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The future is the universe.

Last week the topic was the metaverse, a new dimension created by humans. Today, instead, is the universe: the dimension in which we live, which was created by an explosion - the Big Bang.

The reason behind choosing such a subject for the last piece of January - the first month dedicated to tech - was that technology and scientific explorations go hand in hand. If it wasn't for people looking to the stars and posing the right questions to themselves, our everyday lives today would be completely different. Of course, one thinks of scientists and usually, the first things that might come to our mind, aren't energy bills, WhatsApp chats, or beautiful women. Usually, the association is more with abstract concepts and misunderstood geniuses like Einstein.

Nonetheless, Einstein was not the kind of person that would let himself be misunderstood or caught up in pointless disquisitions. His most famous equation, E=MC^2, tells us that mass can be converted into energy and that realization led to the development also of nuclear power, which is so much debated during the current energy crisis.

Speaking of Einstein when talking about great scientists is, however, reductive and the consequence of stereotypes regarding women in STEM. The person that made it possible for you to be communicating with your loved ones online and perhaps read this article on your smartphone is indeed a woman and a beautiful one too. With her brilliant mind, Austrian-born actress Hedy Lamarr is known as "the mother of Wi-Fi" as she was able to invent a frequency-hopping technology already during the Second World War.

Hedy Lamarr, picture by Pixabay

To look at the stars means to look at something other than ourselves, to look at the bigger picture. If the metaverse is something designed by people for people, the universe is something created for us by a higher form of energy, and that is why it is so fascinating. To look at the universe means to look beyond our limits, to help not just ourselves but society as a whole, as these great minds have done. Anyone can make a difference if they look up at the stars.




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